History of MIE Study Program
The Master of Economics Study Program at Udayana University (MIE FEB Unud Study Program) was established on April 30, 2001, with the Decree of Higher Education Number 1809/Dikti/Kep/2001. On August 18, 2010, a study program extension permit was issued through the Unud Chancellor's Decree No. 3455/D/T/K-2010, after that year a study program extension permit is no longer required. At the beginning of its establishment until 2017, the management of the Master of Economics Study Program was under the auspices of the Postgraduate Program of Udayana University. Thus, organizationally, the Postgraduate Director is the person in charge of the Postgraduate Economics Masters Study Program at Udayana University, which is abbreviated as PS MIE PPs Unud. In 2017, academically and physically the MIE Study Program was under the auspices and responsibility of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. Thus, organizationally, the Dean of FEB is in charge of the Master of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, hereinafter abbreviated as the MIE FEB Unud Study Program, so that from then on the implementation of program activities is determined by the decision of the Dean of FEB Unud.
At its inception until 2012, the MIE Study Program had 4 areas of concentration, namely: Regional Development Concentration, Regional Finance, Industrial Economics, and Monetary, Finance and Banking Concentration. In 2013, the MIE Study Program added one concentration, namely the concentration on Management and Valuation of Public and Business Assets, based on the Rector's Decree No. 271/UN.14/PR/2013. However, this concentration has not been offered directly to students due to several limitations, especially related to tutors for several courses whose competence is not yet possessed by the lecturers of the MIE FEB Unud Study Program.
In 2018, taking into account the progress and development of science, and the needs of the community, the MIE FEB Unud Study Program offered the concentration of Management and Valuation of Public and Business Assets again and removed the Industrial Economics Concentration due to lack of interest. Thus, since 2018, the MIE FEB Unud Study Program has again had 4 concentrations, namely: Concentration on Regional Development, Regional Finance, Monetary, Fiscal and Banking, and Concentration on Management and Valuation of Public and Business Assets.
In terms of study program management, since the establishment of the MIE Study Program, from 2001 to 2014, the study program management was carried out by the program head, assisted by the secretary, and two heads of fields namely the head of finance & administration and the head of the academic field. In its development, in 2014 the internal structure of the program underwent changes in accordance with the needs of the organization at that time. The task of managing the study program is carried out by the head of the study program who is assisted by a secretary. In 2018, the study program management structure underwent another change, in which study program management was carried out by a Study Program Coordinator (Koprodi).