Vision, Mission of the Master of Accounting Study Program
Study Program Vision
The vision of the Master of Accounting Study Program (PS Maksi) FEB Unud is:
"To become a Master of Accounting Study Program with international reputation, excellence, independence, and culture in developing the science of Behavioral Accounting"
Study Program Mission
To achieve its vision, PS Maksi FEB Unud organizes activities which are summarized in the mission of PS Maksi FEB Unud, as follows.
(1) Organizing education in the field of accounting, especially behavioral accounting that is professional and of international quality.
(2) Produce superior research in the field of accounting that is innovative, prospective, and beneficial for the community, government, and the business world.
(3) Organizing community service activities in the field of accounting based on Science, Technology and Arts as well as local wisdom.
(4) Develop, disseminate, and apply knowledge in the field of accounting for the advancement of society, government, and the business world.
(5) Produce graduates in the field of accounting with the basic values ??of the Master of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.
Study Program Objectives
The goal of PS Maksi FEB Unud is formulated as a milestone towards achieving the vision. The objectives of the PS Maksi FEB Unud are formulated as follows.
1) Realizing professional and international quality institutional governance.
2) Realizing a modern learning system based on Education 4.0.
3) Increase the capacity of lecturers and education staff.
4) Improve the quality of research results.
5) Improving the quality of community service programs based on science and technology and local wisdom.
6) Develop and strengthen national and international cooperation in the field of higher education tridharma.
7) Improving the competitiveness of students and graduates with character.
Study Program Strategy
In order to achieve its goals, PS Maksi FEB Unud implements several important strategies in preparing learning infrastructure, and those related to the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. These strategies are described below.
1) Improving the quality of institutions and management of Study Programs.
2) Increasing the percentage of non-tax revenues outside UKT.
3) Increasing the quality of learning content.
4) Realization of modern educational infrastructure.
5) Increasing the quality of lecturers and education staff.
6) Availability of research facilities and infrastructure.
7) Increasing the quality of the types of research carried out.
8) Increased research output productivity.
9) Availability of research outlets.
10) Availability of facilities and infrastructure for community service.
11) Increasing the quality of community service carried out.
12) Increasing the output productivity of community service.
13) Availability of cooperation supporting devices.
14) Increased collaborative activities with various institutions.
15) Increasing the quality of the network of cooperation.
16) Increasing the quality of students.
17) Increasing the quality of graduates.
Study Program Core Values
The core values ??that underlie the attitudes and behavior of the entire PSSA academic community include:
1) Professional
Carrying out a profession or work by adhering to the moral values ??that direct and underlie actions.
2) Innovative
Stimulate novelty and be open to new perspectives, ideas and ways of working
3) Collaborative
Fostering quality collaboration between academics, sharing knowledge and expertise to achieve goals, as well as developing local, national, and international networks to achieve progress and enrichment of institutions
4) Integrity
Committed to the truth through ethical actions and is responsible for all actions taken