LPM MEDIKOM – A sense of pride surrounds the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University for its success in launching an integrated application called Complaints and Complaints Service or abbreviated as LAPAK. Located in the Hall of the B.H FEB Unud Building, Friday (17/12) the LAPAK application was inaugurated by the Dean of FEB Unud and is ready to be used by the entire FEB Unud academic community.

Towards the end of the year, FEB Unud is increasingly aggressive in innovating. One of them is launching an application which is certainly beneficial for the entire academic community of FEB Unud. This LAPAK application is the first application created by FEB Unud in collaboration with the Bithouse Bali application developer. The launch of this application certainly brings fresh air to the entire FEB Unud academic community because it provides flexibility in submitting various complaints experienced while in the FEB Unud environment.

This activity is focused on providing a detailed explanation of the LAPAK application to the entire FEB Unud academic community, both regarding the features contained in the application and how to use it. The detailed explanation was delivered directly by Edy Suardiyana as Director of Bithouse as the developer of this LAPAK application. The LAPAK application has several excellent features such as complaints made privately where only the admin and the reporter know about the report, the privacy of the reporter is maintained because it is equipped with an anonymous feature and this application can be accessed anywhere as long as the device is connected to the internet. LAPAK user registration is divided into three users, namely for students, lecturers and employees and the general public related to FEB Unud. The registration feature is made as simple as possible to make it easier for users when doing initial registration.

The presence of LAPAK is a liaison for all submissions of complaints and complaints in various fields such as academics, finance, facilities and infrastructure, student affairs, to complaints of sexual violence. As stated by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana, S.E., M.Sc. Ak. that one of the interesting things about the LAPAK application is that it is equipped with complaints related to the prevention of sexual violence. This is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education as well as the Dean's Circular on Technical Guidelines for Prevention, Handling and Handling Mechanisms, Reporting of Sexual Violence at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. Therefore, the presence of the LAPAK application which is equipped with sexual violence complaints is expected to be able to provide space for victims to submit their complaints.

In addition, the presence of the LAPAK application indicates that FEB Unud is open to all inputs and criticisms so that with the LAPAK application it becomes a place for FEB UNUD to improve to be even better. "With the LAPAK application, FEB Unud opens itself to all criticism, suggestions, complaints and input from internal parties such as lecturers, students, education staff and external parties, namely parents or student guardians. Through this application, a forum was finally formed to complain and complain about the imperfections in the management of education, research and service provided to students and the public. Through this application, the reporter can avoid being the object of bullying, the object of insults or the object of ridicule when making a complaint." Said Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda S.E., M.T., Ph.D. as the Dean of FEB Unud in his speech. There is great hope for the entire academic community of FEB Unud to participate and contribute in conveying their input through this application as a reference for FEB Unud to improve for the better. (put)