"Academic Writing" Theme Udayana Language Center UPT Language Forum Unud

The UPT Language of Udayana University held the Udayana Language Center Forum with the theme "Academic Writing" which took place online through the Unud Webex Application and broadcast live via YouTube Udayana TV, Monday (9/11/2020). The webinar took the topic: Proper Abstract and Self Editing and presented two resource persons, Dr. Jessica Birnie Smith (La Trobe University) and Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, MA (Unud) as well as moderator Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani, SS., M.Hum (Head of UPT Bahasa Unud).

The webinar began with remarks from the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng. Through this opportunity, the Vice Chancellor expressed his appreciation to all parties who had contributed to the implementation of this activity. Furthermore, it was conveyed that as people who speak not English as their mother tongue, they often experience difficulties in implementing the Tridharma, one of which is related to publication, one of the obstacles is English. On the other hand, publication is very necessary because the core business of higher education is academic publication and downstream. The more reports that are published in reputable journals, the better the existence of higher education institutions. This has also been stated in the performance contract of the Chancellor with the Ministry where one of the elements is the number of publications. For this reason, it is necessary to make various efforts, one of which is the implementation of activities carried out this time, which are expected to benefit lecturers, researchers and students in completing their assignments.

The Head of UPT Language Unud Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani said that through this activity UPT Bahasa also contributed to producing the best and quality English articles that were in accordance with the rules of English. The number of registered participants in this activity was 255 people. The presence of a resource person from La Trobe University who is proficient in Indonesian, is expected to facilitate the participants in the discussion session.

Resource person Dr. Jess Birnie Smith in her material entitled Abstract Writing Process said that according to Pho's (2008) research, all abstracts must have information in the following order: (1) Presentation of research, (2) Explanation of methodology and (3) Summary of results. Abstracts are usually written in one paragraph only and according to Kaplan (1972) there are two ways of writing paragraphs, namely inductive and deductive. In his material, Dr Smith also explains in detail the points in writing an abstract. While the second resource person Prof. Ketut Artawa presented material entitled Self-Editing To Improve the Quality of Writing in Research Papers.