Accounting Undergraduate Study Program Carrying Out Evaluation Activities Student Study Progress
The evaluation of the success of student studies is the evaluation of the success of student learning efforts regarding the extent to which students achieve the level of achievement or ability to master the subject matter during the student's study period. Study Progress Evaluation Activities for PS Students. S1 Accounting will be held on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 16.00 – 18.00 at MM Building Floor 3.1 which was opened by the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program a.n. Dr. Eka Ardhani Sisdyani, SE., M.Com., Ak.
The activity was attended by the Student Study Progress Evaluation Committee as well as 7 students from the 2015 batch and 10 from the 2016 class. The agenda discussed in the activity were 1. Obstacles and constraints faced by students in completing their studies and the solutions offered by the study program. 2. The student who submits the letter submits a letter of resignation as an administration at PDDikti. 3. The study period limit for 2015 students (red zone) is no later than the Even Semester 2021/2022, which is July 31, 2021.
All students who attended showed high enthusiasm in responding to faculty policies and said they would adhere to the given timeline by improving coordination and communication with supervisors and the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program.