Adapting to the 2022 PKM Guidelines, Unud Holds PKM Proposal Updating and Coaching Clinic
Udayana University held an Update for the 2022 PKM Proposal that was declared Passed and an online Coaching Clinic through the Cisco Webex application, Thursday (10/3/2022). This activity was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information, the Chair and Secretary of the USCC, S0 and S1 Coordinator Study Programs, Reviewers, Advisors and Students.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU in his speech said that PKM has now increased to 8 fields and has been added to PKM GFT and PKM AI, which of course must be prepared properly. The Vice Chancellor appreciated the Coordi- nants for their contribution in increasing the number of proposals for PKM in 2022 to around 1600 proposals and currently they are still given the opportunity to submit new proposals. The number that has been reviewed is around 732 proposals that have been declared eligible to be passed, but due to the reduced quota, now there are only 400 proposals plus 50 PKM GFT and 50 PKM AI proposals. For that we have to look for the best and quality and must be escorted by the Deputy Dean III and Coorprodi, because we are targeting to win gold for this year. This time, an attached reviewer has also been prepared to monitor the proposals that pass so that they win medals and the role of the supervisor is also very decisive. Study Programs should budget for their departure to PIMNAS so that they can watch the PIMNAS together. The Vice Chancellor also asked the Study Program to facilitate the needs of students in the proposal upload process, including the conversion of credit recognition. The estuary of this PKM is MBKM and also to IKU. For this reason, it must be properly guarded, where the supporting budget will be prepared by the university. Passion for achievement is highly expected.
The material for updating the PKM proposal according to the 2022 PKM guidelines was delivered by the Chair of the USCC Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si with the moderator Dr. Ni Luh Ramaswati Purnawan, S.S,. M.Kom as USCC Secretary. In the material, it was stated that PKM 2022 is directed at achieving KPI and supporting MBKM, where this year's PKM must explicitly be recognized, because the previous year only 30 percent were recognized so Study Program is also present in this update to determine the next step and share perceptions. The 2022 PKM handbook also underwent changes from the previous guidelines such as schemes, funding, criteria and others. Then there is a change in the quota for the number of proposals for higher education clusters and improvements to management policies. The target of MBKM-based KPI and SKS conversion is PKM. Meanwhile, changes to the PKM Guidelines include additional schemes, activity costs, quotas per cluster and technical implementation. The material also explains the types of PKM and their estuaries, the 2022 PKM quota based on clusters for PKM 8 Fields, AI and GFT; PKM criteria, and the timeline for the 2022 PKM proposal. The resource person also explained related to updating which included the completeness, main content, writing criteria and character of the PKM scheme.