Belmawa Holds Public Examination Guidelines for the Implementation of Student Organization Activities
Student Affairs (Belmawa) The Directorate General of Diktiristek held a Public Test of Guidelines for the Implementation of Student Organization Activities which took place online through a Zoom Meeting, Thursday (27/01/2022).
This Public Test was attended by Plt. Director of Learning and Student Affairs and the drafting team, and the Vice Chancellors in charge of student affairs. This public test was carried out in order to obtain input from the Vice Chancellors in charge of student affairs. Also present from Udayana University the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana with the Head of Student Organization Development Unit Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa, M.Sc.
Student organizations (Ormawa) are a forum for student co-curricular and extra-curricular activities at universities, therefore Ormawa activities should be in line with the vision, mission and goals of providing education at the higher education institutions where the Ormawa are located. Through Ormawa, it is hoped that it can increase the potential, talents, and interests of students to excel for the sake of the reputation of individual students, student organizations, universities, regions where universities are located and the Republic of Indonesia.
This guideline is expected to be the basis for all universities in preparing SOPs for organizing Ormawa activities.