BIMTEK Human Resources FEB UNUD 2022 "Excellent Service & Self Awareness"
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held a Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) for HR Competency Development with the theme "Excellent Service and Self Awareness to Realize Adaptive, Responsive and Quality Public Services" on Friday, September 16, 2022. The BIMTEK activity was attended by staff Education in the FEB UNUD environment presented 2 speakers, namely Dr. Nyoman Andika Triadhi,S.E., M.Si., Ak who is an Alumni of the Doctoral Study Program in Economics, currently serves as a Widyaiswara at the Bali Province Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency and I Made Sumitra, S.E., M.M., CHT who is still listed as student of the Doctor of Management Study Program and serves as Founder & Chief Foundation of Monarch Bali.
The Bimtek activity, which was attended by around 60 educational staff as participants, was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D In his opening remarks, the Dean of FEB conveyed his pride and joy because the speakers who attended were alumni and students who contributed to sharing knowledge and experience to improve the competence of the education staff at FEB. students who have competence in their respective fields to contribute to developing the alma mater (FEB UNUD).
The Dean of FEB UNUD also said that the theme carried out in BIMTEK activities was very relevant to the current developing conditions, where the paradigm of government administration had shifted from the rule government paradigm to good governance. The paradigm shift in government agencies is a challenge for public service providers. Having Human Resources who understand and apply the basic concept of Excellent Service will be able to provide services that exceed the needs and expectations of service recipients (Quality). In addition to understanding the basic concept of excellent service, Human Resources who have self-awareness will be able to create a conducive work atmosphere and quality work performance. So by understanding the basic concepts of excellent service and having self-awareness, it is hoped that adaptive, responsive and quality human resources will be created.
In the presentation session, Mr. Dr. Nyoman Andika Triadhi,S.E., M.Si., Ak conveyed the material on the Basic Concept of Excellent Service, then the 2nd session on Self Awareness was delivered by Mr. I Made Sumitra, S.E., M.M., CHT and to complete the sharing session, he invited his colleague, Mr. Made Bobi Asmara, S.E., CHT., CBHA who is the Director of MONARCH Dalung.