Chancellor of Udayana University Receives Hearing of BEM PM Related to Study of "Condition and Readiness of Udayana Students in Facing the Pandemic Period of COVID-19"

Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi was accompanied by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. I Made Sudarma and Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. IB Wyasa Putra received an audience of BEM PM Representatives, DPM and BEM Faculties in the Nation Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Friday (6/5/2020). The meeting was held by implementing the Covid-19 preventive health protocol by enforcing distance and wearing masks and body temperature screening. Also present at the meeting were the Heads of Bureaus and Deputy Deans of Student Affairs at Udayana University.

This meeting was a follow-up request for a hearing from BEM PM related to the study of "Conditions and Readiness of Udayana Students in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic Period". Some aspirations expressed by other international students were related to the UKT, BLT and internet quota issues.

Chairman of BEM PM Unud Dewa Gede Satya Ranasika Kusuma expressed his appreciation to the leadership of the university who had been willing to receive an audience to work together to prepare campus policies in the midst of this pandemic. Through this opportunity the Chairman of the BEM also provided clarification related to the direct arrival of students to the Lobby of the Unud Rectorate on June 2 last, and conveyed an apology if there were things that were less pleasing to the incident.

He further stated that the topics of discussion and study were based on policies issued by the campus and conducted evaluations and surveys on 13 faculties. On this basis there are a number of things discussed, the first is the effort of UKT relief for students who are expected to be given the liberation of UKT for groups of UKT I and II which are middle to lower economic groups. Furthermore, for the affected middle and upper UKT it is proposed to provide a reduction of UKT by 50 percent.

The second problem is related to the final semester students in the form of submitting UKT relief for students who are hampered from completing their studies.

BEM gives appreciation for the policies that have been issued, but it is hoped that efforts can be made to liberate the UKT given that they should have completed their studies, but because of the pandemic there are difficulties in completing them. In addition, the policy references from six other universities were also conveyed in the study.

The third problem is the evaluation of policies that have been given, especially related to BLT to meet the logistics for students who do not live with parents. Another thing is the quota assistance for students who are expected to be re-evaluated. Quota assistance provided previously has been received, but there are still some providers that have not yet been sent.

Regarding Direct Cash Assistance (BLT), it is expected that there will be further BLT considering that there are many students who do not know this, so they are not registered. All of these are complete in the studies that have been submitted. It is expected that budget relocation through efficiency can be allocated to help students. It is also hoped that through this opportunity the opportunity for each faculty representative to express their aspirations.

While Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi on the occasion conveyed clarification and responses to the results of the study submitted by representatives of the BEM. The Chancellor also gave a general description related to the process of delivering aspirations by students. For this reason, it is expected that there will be a common perception at this meeting to work together in realizing the vision and mission of Udayana University.

It is realized that this pandemic has an impact on all people throughout the world, let's sit together to overcome these situations and conditions. Udayana University has done several things since the beginning of the pandemic and the Chancellor expressed his appreciation because together they have joined together to prevent the spread of Covid-19. He also said that in an organization there are rules and regulations that must be followed to uphold good university government. Udayana University as a Public Service Agency (BLU) university is under three Ministries namely the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Research and Technology and Ministry of Finance.

The Chancellor also gave appreciation for the studies that have been submitted, but in it need to add supporting rules. One of them is related to UKT which refers to the decree issued by the Minister. where for the reduction of UKT must refer to the rules. Existing rules must be followed because they have risks if violated, and policies issued by the Chancellor have considered various existing rules.

The Chancellor also clarified that every policy issued had taken into account the existing rules and had an accountable basis.

On that occasion the Chancellor also gave an opportunity to each Head of Bureau who was in charge to provide direct responses on the aspirations conveyed by students. The Chancellor requested that the policies that had been issued be implemented, and if problems occur, it could be communicated to find a solution.

From the results of the meeting it can be concluded that the following matters: (1) quota assistance will be evaluated for the disbursement process and if there is a problem to be communicated directly with the Head of the General Bureau (2) the continued provision of BLT for students will be discussed further related to the availability of funds and distribution mechanism (3 ) related to UKT will form a team that synergizes to make a more complete study related to the policy to be taken in coordination with the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information.