Committee IV DPD RI Holds Validity Test of PMD Bill at Udayana University
Denpasar - Located in the Building Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Committee IV of the Regional Representative Council (DPD-RI) in collaboration with Udayana University held a Legitimate Test for the Drafting of the Bill on Investment in Regions (RUU PMD) in Bali Province, Monday ( 21/9/2020).
The validity test presented three sources, namely Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa (FEB Unud), Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen (FH Unud) and I Gde Wayan Suamba, SE (Head of Planning and Development of the Investment Climate at the One-Stop Investment Service, Bali Province).
In addition to being attended by the DPD-RI Commission IV Team, also attending this event the Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information of Udayana University, Dean and Deputy Dean of FEB Udayana University, Academics and Practitioners from Udayana University and PTN and PTS in Bali.
Deputy Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. IB Wyasa Putra representing the Chancellor of Udayana University in his speech said that investment is one of the sources of regional financing which has a very important position and has a direct or indirect impact on the implementation of various affairs which are the affairs of local government both with regard to economic growth, increasing competitiveness people welfare. The Bill on Investment in the Regions is a very important strategic answer to regulatory issues in investment matters.
This Sahih Test activity is an important momentum in refining the bill, especially in providing a portrait of the potential and needs of the region, especially in Bali in the investment sector, so that later this bill can be the right and accurate answer to regional needs in the investment sector. The speakers and participants who attended are expected to provide input in the refinement of the draft bill.
H. Bambang Santoso, DPD RI Electoral District of Bali gave appreciation and appreciation to Udayana University for its acceptance and implementation of this validity test. In accordance with the law, the DPD RI can submit bills relating to regional autonomy, central and regional relations, management of natural resources and those related to the balance between central and regional finances. This working visit was intended to absorb and accommodate input on the PMD Bill that had been compiled by Committee IV DPD RI.
Deputy Chairman of Committee IV DPD RI Casytha A. Kathmandu, SE in his remarks also appreciated the acceptance and remarks given in the implementation of the validity test in the middle of this pandemic. The PMD Bill which is an initiative of the DPD RI aims to provide regulatory space for regional authority in managing investment in the region, prioritizing regional characteristics and potential in becoming a reference for investment in the region, providing stimulus to create a conducive investment climate, encouraging competitiveness and creating fields work. There are several things that will be studied in this activity with the hope of absorbing and accommodating input on the material in this PMD Bill.
The validity test activity began with material related to the PMD Bill by the IPMD Bill Team Committee IV Dr. Sentosa Sembiring which was followed by the presentation of the speakers and discussion with the participants. The Head of the IPMD Bill Team conveyed that the goal to be realized was to realize the principle of decentralization as stated in Article 18 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in conjunction with Article 12 paragraph (2) letter l of Law 23/2014 concerning Regional Government related to the implementation of Investment as a Government affair Concurrency which is a mandatory government affair, implements management principles in the implementation of Regional Investment (planning, management and control), and implements the principle of Incentives and Disincentives for Regional Governments in the implementation of Regional Investment.