Community Service Activities of Master of Accounting Study Program FEB UNUD

On Saturday, February 11, 2023, the Master of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University carried out Community Service Activities with the theme "Simple Accounting and Audit Learning for Cooperative Supervisors / ASN" at the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, located at Jl. Mulawarman No. 3 Denpasar. This activity, which is the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, aims to provide knowledge through learning simple accounting and auditing to cooperative supervisors / state civil apparatus (ASN) within the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office.

Community Service Activities (PKM), opened with remarks from the Coordinator of the Master of Accounting Study Program, Mrs. Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba, S.E., Ak., M.Si., Ph.D., CA., CMA. and the Head of the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, Mr. Dr. Dewa Made Agung, S.E., M.Si while officially opening this activity.

The activity then continued with the presentation of material from the resource person guided by L.G. Sridarmaningrum, S.E who is a student of the Master of Accounting Study Program as the Moderator, the first resource person in this community service activity was Mrs. L.P Novyanti Ciptana Ika Putri, SE.M.Si., Ak who is a practitioner and also an alumni of the FEB UNUD Master of Accounting Study Program. Then continued with the presentation of the second resource person, namely Dr. Ni Ketut Rasmini, S.E., Ak., M.Si., CA. who is currently active as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.

Participants in this Community Service Activity were employees at the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, lecturers and student representatives of the Master of Accounting Study Program Student Association. The participants seemed very enthusiastic in participating in this activity, as seen from the many questions and sharing experiences from the participants in the discussion session.

Community Service activities continued with the handover of mementos from the Coordinator of the Master of Accounting Study Program to the Head of the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office, followed by the handover of certificates to resource persons and moderators. To then proceed with a visit / site visit to the Dharma Siaga Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP) which is one of the fostered cooperatives of the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office located at Jl. Pura Demak No. 9, Denpasar.

During the visit / site visit, the group of community service participants was received by the Head of the Dharma Siaga Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP), Mr. Gede Suriadnyana and Mrs. Putu Yuli as the Cooperative Manager.

The activity then continued with discussions and sharing experiences related to tips on running a good cooperative and what obstacles are faced in managing cooperatives so that it can be input and study material for bureaucratic operators, in this case the Denpasar City Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office and academics (Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University) so that they can find solutions to the obstacles faced by cooperatives so far and attract the interest of the younger generation to participate in developing cooperatives for the better.

The visit ended with the presentation of a memento from the Coordinator of the Master of Accounting Study Program to the Head of the Dharma Siaga Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP).