Continue Regeneration, Dean of FEB Unud Appointment of LMFEB Management for the 2023 period
The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud), Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., inaugurated all LMFEB Functionaries for the 2023 period on Wednesday (11/01) afternoon in a semi-online manner which took place in the Hall of the FEB Campus BH Building Unud Denpasar and through Cisco Webex Meetings.
On this occasion, the Dean inaugurated 9 institutions, namely the Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Executive Body (BEM), Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) Societe de Equilibrium, BSO Young Entrepreneurs, BSO Capital Market Study Group, Economics Student Association (HIMA) , HIMA Management, HIMA Accounting, and finally the HIMA Diploma.
The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University would like to thank all 2022 functionaries who have shown and given their best dedication in supporting the vision of FEB Unud to become a faculty with an international reputation, excellent, independent and cultured.
The Dean also advised all new functionaries to be able to maintain and improve all the achievements of FEB Unud and always work together with all the interests of the faculty. The Dean and staff will also always support and become a place to always support LMFEB activities that can improve achievement.