Destruction of Inactive Archives within Udayana University
TU, RT, and HTL sections, the General Bureau of Udayana University carried out the Destruction of Inactive Archives, Friday (06/11/2020), at the Nusa Room, 3rd floor of the Udayana University Rectorate Building. The destroyed Arip Inactive was a suggestion from the Archives Creator at Udayana University. The event began with the Socialization of the Destruction of Archives delivered by the Head of Administration, RT, and HTL I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Sc., And was attended by all Udayana University Archivists.
The destruction of the archives which was carried out for 2 days, namely Friday, November 6 and November 9, 2020, was led by the Head of Administration, RT and HTL and witnessed by the Secretary of SPI Dr. Drs. Dewa Gede Wirama, MSBA., Ak., CA. Destruction of the inactive archives consists of archives from the Student Welfare Section totaling 2262 files, 504 files, 505 sheets ranging from 1998-2010, the Faculty of Agriculture with 301 numbers, 1066 sheets of the 2011-2016 archive range, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences as many as 364 numbers, 1738 sheets, the range of archives for 2011-2016 and the HR Department as many as 108 numbers, 1669 sheets of the archive range for 2014-2017.
Secretary of SPI Dr. Drs. Dewa Gede Wirama, MSBA., Ak., CA as the witness in this activity said that the archives that have been destroyed this time are really no longer needed