Distribution of PKKMB Unud 2020 Certificates and Contribution to Implement Health Protocols

Udayana University through the Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau distributed PKKMB Contributions and Certificates for new Udayana University students in 2020 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus. The distribution of contributions by implementing the health protocol lasts for four days, namely 11, 14, 15 and 16 December 2020.

To avoid crowds, the distribution is arranged according to a predetermined schedule, and after finishing taking contributions, students are directed to return to their respective residences and not crowd.

Students who have not had the opportunity to take contributions and PKKMB certificates according to the schedule above, can take them at the Academic Section, Rectorate Building, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran on working days and hours (Monday-Friday, 09.00-15.00 WITA), while still obeying applicable health protocols