Promovendus I Wayan Sutrisna, S. Sos., M.Si in the Doctoral Promotion Session of the Doctor of Economics Study Program which took place on Monday, July 17, 2023 raised the topic: The Effect of Good Governance and Regional Expenditure on Regional Development Performance and Community Welfare in Bali Province. In his dissertation, the promovendus explained that community welfare is a goal that all governments want to achieve, therefore the government will continue to carry out sustainable development in order to achieve prosperity for its people.
Decentralization policy is one of the strategic policies that aims to achieve equitable development throughout Indonesia. The government's efforts to realize the welfare of the community must be supported by the application of the principles of good governance and the allocation of appropriate regional expenditures so that regional development performance increases.
Furthermore, the promovendus explained the results of the study which found that: 1) good governance has a positive and significant effect on regional expenditure; 2) good governance has a positive but insignificant effect on regional development performance, while regional expenditure has a positive and significant effect on regional development performance; 3) good governance, regional expenditure and regional development performance have a positive and significant effect on community welfare; 4) good governance has a significant effect on regional development performance through regional expenditure; 5) good governance has a significant effect on community welfare through regional expenditure and regional development performance; and 6) regional expenditure has a significant effect on community welfare through district / city regional development performance in Bali Province.
This Doctoral Promotion Session was held Offline, the Promoter of Promovendus was Prof. Dr. Nyoman Djinar Setiawina, S.E., M.S., as well as Copromoter I Prof. Dr. Made Suyana Utama, S.E., M.S. and Copromoter II Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, S.E., M.P. The Doctoral Promotion Examination was chaired by the Chairperson of the Session which on this occasion was chaired by the Coordinator of the Economics Doctoral Study Program Mrs. Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, S.E., M.P. Promovendus works as a lecturer at Mahendradatta University and also as chairman of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) of Canggu Village, North Kuta, Badung. Promovendus successfully passed the examination with a Very Satisfactory predicate.