The success of economic development must be supported by human development. Life expectancy is an important indicator that acts as a measuring tool for government performance in planning and evaluating national development, especially in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. The purpose of this study was to analyze panel data with variables of Population, Government Expenditures, Health Services, Coverage of Drug/Vaccine Availability, Nutritional Adequacy, Education Level, Age of Marriage, Environmental Sanitation, Immunization, Domestic Violence (KDRT), Life Expectancy , Risk of Infant Mortality and Risk of Maternal Death. The research data used panel data of 120 observations consisting of a combination of 10 districts/cities for the period 2008-2019 obtained from BPS, NTB Health Office, NTB DP3AP2KB, NTB Police and conducted in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique uses econometric modeling and system dynamics.

The results of the study found that: 1) Life Expectancy had a positive and significant effect on the Total Population; 2) Government Expenditure has a positive and significant effect on Health Services; 3) Government Expenditures have a positive and significant effect on the Coverage of Availability of Drugs and Vaccines; 4) Government Expenditure has a positive and significant effect on Nutritional Adequacy; 5) Variable Population has a positive and significant effect on Government Expenditures; 6) Education level has a positive and significant effect on Marriage Age; 7) Government Expenditure has a positive and significant effect on the level of education; 8) Population and Government Expenditure have a significant simultaneous effect on Environmental Sanitation; 9) Health Services and Availability of Drugs and Vaccines have a significant simultaneous effect on Basic Immunization; 10) Marriage Age and Education Level have a significant simultaneous effect on domestic violence; 11) Risk of Infant Mortality, Government Expenditure, Education Level, and Domestic Violence have a significant simultaneous effect on Life Expectancy; 12) Availability of Drugs/Vaccines, Environmental Sanitation, Adequate Nutrition, Health Services, Immunizations and Risk of Maternal Death have a significant simultaneous effect on the Risk of Infant Mortality; 13) Life expectancy in the previous year, availability of drugs and vaccines, environmental sanitation, nutritional adequacy, health services, immunizations, age at marriage and domestic violence have a significant simultaneous effect on the risk of maternal mortality; 14) The results of dynamic modeling show that the Life Expectancy in West Nusa Tenggara in 2035 for the intervention of the Environmental Sanitation Aspect is 1.08 years; 15) The aspect of health services is 1.01 years; and 16) The behavioral aspect of the community is 1.69 years old and is a top priority. The modeling results also show that the life expectancy in NTB is 1.73 years to 74.15 years compared to the BPS projection of 72.42 years for the National in the same year.

This is the topic raised by Promovendus Ida Wayan Demung, A.Md., S.Ag., S.E., M.E. on this happy occasion on Thursday, July 28, 2022 which will be held Offline, where the Promoter of Promovendus is Prof. Dr. I Made Suyana Utama, SE, MS, and Co-promoter Dr. A.A.I.N. Marhaeni, SE., MS. and Co-promoter II is Dr. I G. W. Murjana Yasa, S, E. M.Si.

This exam was led by the Chairperson of the Session, which on this occasion was led by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr.Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, SE., ME.. Promovendus Young Expert Planner at the Regional Finance Agency of Mataram City. Promovendus successfully passed the exam with the predicate of Very Satisfactory. On this occasion, the Promoter is quite proud of the results that promovenus has achieved.