Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Holds Joint Judiciary II in 2022 Offline
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University on Wednesday (20/04) held an offline Judicial II event in 2022 (YUBER II) in the BH Building Hall and broadcast via live streaming on the Youtube channel of Media FEB Unud.
The implementation of the Joint Judiciary II in 2022 was carried out in an offline format for the first time after being held online for 2 consecutive years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. YUBER II was held in the Hall of the Lt. IV Gd BH Faculty of Economics and Business by implementing strict health protocols. YUBER II this time was attended by 149 participants who were determined through the Rector's Decree Number 900/UN14.2.7/HK/2022 dated April 11, 2022 regarding the Participants of the Joint Judiciary II of the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2022.
The participants of the Joint Judiciary II 2022 consisted of 3 participants from the Doctoral Study Program in Economics, 2 participants from the Doctoral Study Program in Management Science, 2 participants from the Master Study Program in Economics, 4 participants from the Master Study Program in Management, 26 participants from the Master of Accounting Study Program. 24 participants from the Bachelor of Economics Study Program, 25 participants from the Bachelor of Management Study Program, 62 participants from the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program, and 1 participant from the Taxation Diploma III Study Program.
In the implementation of YUBER II in 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business awarded the best 3 (three) students in each educational strata, namely the best Doctoral Program, the best Masters Program, the best Undergraduate Program and the best Diploma Program, and continued with the awarding procession. and submission of transcripts for all YUBER II participants. One of the best student representatives, namely the best student from the Bachelor of Economics Program I Gusti Ayu Agung VirnaPryanka, S.E in conveying the impressions and messages of Participant Representatives revealed that the implementation of YUBER offline has been eagerly awaited by all YUBER participants and perhaps also by all students who will take the final exam.
Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D in his speech gave a message to all YUBER II participants to never give up, because the pandemic phase can be passed very well and smoothly which can be proven from completing education smoothly and finished according to the expectations of all participants, and if you encounter obstacles or face difficulties, never give up because we must be sure that after rains and storms there will definitely be a rainbow. So make sure there is the light at the end of the thunder. At the end of his speech, the Dean of FEB also advised all participants who will soon become alumni to always remember their alma mater and stay ready to contribute to their alma mater.