Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Holds the Joint Judiciary IV in 2022
Wednesday, August 3, 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business again held the 2022 Joint Judiciary (YUBER) IV which was held offline and for the first time the YUBER implementation took place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Udayana University. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Mr. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E. In his report, he said that this time there were 310 participants for the joint judicial.
The best graduate of the Doctoral Program I was achieved by Dr. A A Gde Agung Parameswara. S.E., M.Si. Doctoral Program in Economics with a GPA of 4.00, predicate With Praise; the best graduate of the Doctoral Program II was achieved by Dr. Pande Gde Bagus Naya Primananda, SST. Par., M.M. Doctoral Program in Management with a GPA of 3.96, predicate Very Satisfactory.
The best graduate of the Masters Program I was achieved by Ni Made Itarini, S.E., M.E. Master of Economics Study Program with a GPA of 4.00 with Praises; The second best graduate of the Masters Program was won by Dewa Ayu Putu Setia Ari, S.Pd., M.E. Master of Economics Study Program, with a GPA of 3.96, with honors; The best graduate III of the Masters Program was won by I Made Agus Pranoto, S.T.P., M.M. Master of Management Study Program with a GPA of 3.93, predicate With Praise.
The best graduate of the Bachelor Program I was achieved by Gede Surya Wibawa, S.Ak. Bachelor of Accounting Program, with a GPA of 3.95, with honors; The best graduate II of the Undergraduate Program was achieved by Ni Made Wilantari, S.Ak. Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, with a GPA of 3.94, with honors. Nyoman Gede Tryadhi Putra Setiawan, S.M., the best graduate of the Bachelor Program III, was the best graduate. Bachelor of Management Study Program, with a GPA of 3.91, Predicate With Praise.
The best graduate of Diploma III Program I was achieved by Efraim William Lippi, A.Md.Pjk. Diploma III Taxation Study Program, with a GPA of 3.96, with honors; The second best graduate of the Diploma III Program was won by Gayatra Raditea Olivardi, A.Md.Ak. Diploma III Accounting Study Program, with a GPA of 3.91, Predicate With Praise; The best III graduate of the Diploma III Program was achieved by Dinda Maharani Cahyadi, A.Md.Ak. Diploma III Accounting Study Program, with a GPA of 3.89, Predicate With Praise.
The best graduate of the Professional Accountant Program I was won by Sayu Aryantini Thanaya, S.E., Ak. Accounting Professional Education Study Program, with a GPA of 4.00 Predicate With Praise; The best graduate II of the Professional Program was won by I Gusti Ayu Putu Dian Kemala Dewi, A.Md., S.E., Ak. Professional Accountant Education Study Program, with a GPA of 4.00 with honors. The best graduate III of the Professional Program was won by I Kadek Sila, S.E., M.M., Ak. With a GPA of 4.00 predicate With Praise.
The best graduate of the Faculty Level Doctoral Program was achieved by Dr. A A Gde Agung Parameswara. S.E., M.Si. Doctoral Program in Economics with a GPA of 4.00, predicate With Praise. The best graduate of the Faculty-Level Masters Program was achieved by Ni Made Itarini, S.E., M.E. Master of Economics Study Program with a GPA of 4.00 with honors. The best graduate of the Faculty Level Undergraduate Program was achieved by Gede Surya Wibawa, S.Ak. Bachelor of Accounting Program, with a GPA of 3.95, with honors. The best graduate of the Diploma III Program at the Faculty level was achieved by Efraim William Lippi, A.Md.Pjk. Diploma III Taxation Study Program, with a GPA of 3.96, with honors. The best graduate of the Faculty-level Professional Program was achieved by Sayu Aryantini Thanaya, S.E., Ak. Accounting Professional Education Study Program, with a GPA of 4.00 Predicate With Praise.
In addition to being awarded for the best graduates in the academic field, awards are also given to outstanding graduate students at the National and International Levels, as well as students who are dedicated in the field of student affairs.
Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Mr. Dr. I Gde Kajeng Baskara, S.E., Ak., M.M. also delivered socialization related to Study Tracer of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University which aims to determine the condition of alumni after graduation and can improve the quality of faculties/study programs. He also said that the target of Tracer Study is the first year students after graduation and the second year after graduation.
In the Joint Yudisium IV in 2022, prospective graduates made an orange promise to always be committed to maintaining the name of their beloved alma mater, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. in his remarks congratulated the prospective graduates and their companions. The Dean also hopes that the alumni can provide input for the improvement and progress of the Faculty of Economics and Business for the better. His message to prospective graduates from the marriage of Niti Sastra "only a noble science can save from the darkness, there has never been a true partner or friend that surpasses science".