Farewell and Welcome Dewas Unud, Dewas: Cooperation and Synergy Determine Mutual Success
Farewell and Welcome Board of Supervisors (Dewas) of Udayana University at the Nusa Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (7/10). This activity was attended directly by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Head of Bureau, Secretary of Dewas and one of the Dewas Udayana University, namely Drs. I Gusti Agung Made Rai, Ak., MA and was followed online by Dewas Unud, Chairman of the Senate, Head of Faculties and Postgraduate, Chair of Institutions, Chair of SPI, Chair of USDI, Director of Udayana Hospital and BPU Secretary.
The Dewas BLU Unud in the previous period was Ir. Hari Purwanto, M.Sc., DIC, Drs. Dedi Sopandi., MAP and Drs. I Gusti Agung Made Rai, Ak., MA. Meanwhile, the new Dewas Unud is Dian Wahyuni, SH., M.Pd. (Head of the Ministry of Education and Culture's Legal Bureau) from the elements of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Tri Budhianto, SP., MT (Head of the Bali Province Regional Office of the DJPB) from the Ministry of Finance and Drs. I Gusti Agung Made Rai, Ak., MA. as a professional element of society.
Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi said that the existence of the Supervisory Board in the Public Service Agency is very important and has a strategic role as mandated by the Regulation of the Minister of Finance. Dewas has the task of supervising, providing advice, considerations or opinions and suggestions to BLU Management Officers related to governance, the Strategic Business Plan (RSB) and the Budget Business Plan (RBA) of Udayana University. Through this opportunity, the Chancellor also gave appreciation and appreciation to the previous Dewas for all his guidance and direction as well as his cooperation while carrying out his duties. To the new Dewas, the Chancellor as the leader of the BLU was very open to receiving input and considerations for the advancement of Udayana University and hoped to bring more positive directions to the development of the university going forward.
Meanwhile, the representative of Dewas Unud I Gusti Agung Rai expressed his appreciation for the implementation of activities that could be carried out in the midst of the Covid pandemic. Dewas represents the interests of stakeholders to jointly manage the university by adhering to applicable regulations. For this reason, cooperation and synergy will determine mutual success.