FEB Holds an Online Yudisium for the First Time
For the first time in history, the Faculty of Economics and Business UNUD held a Joint Judiciary (YUBER) online due to the ongoing performance pause related to the unfinished Covid-19 pandemic on the island of Bali. YUBER which was held on Friday (29/05) this morning was the first YUBER in 2020, and the implementation was held in the Hall of BH Building, Denpasar FEB Campus.
This time YUBER was attended by all levels of leadership of FEB UNUD directly and participated by 175 prospective graduates who participated in the activities of their respective residences. The prospective graduates consisted of 101 Regular S1 participants, 59 Non-Regular S1 participants, 5 Masters Program participants, and 10 Doctoral Study Program participants. Overall, the average study time has met the national standard of higher education, even exceeding the standard study time standard.
The Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, SE., MT., Ph.D., gave the highest appreciation to all participants who were still struggling in uncertain conditions due to the global pandemic Covid-19. The Dean also expects all participants to be able to develop themselves so they are ready to compete in the digital world and can be useful in society and always have innovations to face all the challenges that will be faced in the future.
The Best Graduates for the S1 program were won by Kadek Ayu Yuliawati, SE with a GPA of 3.93, the Masters Program was won by Anak Agung Ayusya Prabhandina, S.E., M.SI with a GPA of 3.93, and the Best Graduate of the Doctoral Program was achieved by Dr. Gde Bagus Brahma Putra, S.E., M.Sc., M.Par. with a GPA of 3.97.
The complete snippet can be watched on FEB UNUD's Youtube Media channel or to the link: