FEB Realizes the Bank Indonesia Teaching Program to Improve the Quality of Students' Economic Literacy
As a follow-up to the meeting with Bank Indonesia (BI) on Wednesday (05/08), FEB finally held an online Bank Indonesia Mengajar (BI Mengajar) Webinar Program with the theme “The Role of Bank Indonesia as a Central Bank in Economic and Financial Digitalization for Advanced Indonesia. "On Friday (07/08) then.
This webinar is one of BI's steps in helping increase economic literacy and central banking through teaching activities to FEB Unud students. Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Information (WR 4), Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, SH., M.Hum., Had the opportunity to open this webinar event. WR 4 in his speech stated that what FEB has done with BI is something to be proud of. In the future, better programs should be launched by both parties in order to improve the quality of FEB and Udayana University students in general.
The BI Teaching activity was filled by resource person Destry Damayanti who served as Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia guided by Koprodi S1 ??Economics FEB Unud, Dr. Dra. Anak Agung Wife Ngurah Marhaeni, SE., M.S. as moderator. This activity was attended online by the Deputy Head of BI Representative Office for Bali Province, Head of the BI Representative Office for NTT Province, Head of the NTB Provincial BI Team, Dean of FEB, FEB leaders, and hundreds of participants from lecturers and students in the FEB environment.