FEB Udayana University Holds SINDIBEKERJA System Socialization

The Dean of FEB Unud held a socialization of the Information System of Workload Control (SINDIBerja) on Monday (7/27) this morning at the MM Building, Third Floor, Denpasar Campus. This socialization was attended by the Dean of FEB Unud, Deputy Dean for General & Finance, UPIKS Coordinator, Head of Education & Cooperation, and Academic Information Processing staff (PIA).

This socialization was opened directly by the Dean of FEB, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. In his remarks, the Dean stated that a system that could regulate the workload of lecturers was needed and was able to overcome the gap in remuneration points due to countless things such as position, academic qualifications, levels where teaching (related to SKS) such as S1, S2, S3 Study Programs.

The Dean directly invited the Secretary of Information Technology Services at USDI, I Made Widiartha, S.Sc., M.Kom., To provide socialization while providing a fairly new demo system within the faculty. This SINDIBerja system is a child of the SIMAK-NG system and will be connected to the Udayana University Inventory Information System (SIISYANA). This SINDIBerja system has a very comprehensive feature to manage some important things needed by the academic management of the faculty.

The Dean also hoped that the Sindi Working system could facilitate the process of sharing the burden of teaching lecturers, the scheduling system, the assignment of thesis supervisors, and assignments in committee activities. In other words, this system is expected to be able to erode the deficiencies that have occurred so far, especially in terms of assignments and class schedules.