FEB Unud Holds Online Joint Judiciary Again
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNUD once again held a Joint Judiciary (YUBER) I 2022 which was held on Monday (14/02) the day after tomorrow.
YUBER I was attended by all levels of FEB UNUD leadership and was attended by 209 prospective graduates who took part in online activities from their respective residences. The prospective graduates consisted of 88 participants from the Undergraduate Program, 92 participants from the Masters Program, 13 participants from the Doctoral Program, 2 participants from the Diploma 3 Program, and 14 participants from the Professional Program.
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E., in his report stated that overall, the average length of study has reached the national standard of higher education, even exceeding the standard of study travel time that has been determined by Udayana University.
The Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., in his speech gave the highest appreciation to all participants who continue to try to complete education even though they are still in uncertain conditions due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. YUBER I was planned to be carried out directly, by inviting all participants, but the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Denpasar City made the plan canceled.
The Dean hopes that in the future, Covid-19 will no longer be considered a pandemic, so that important activities such as YUBER can be carried out directly again. Congratulations on the success of the Graduate Candidates in completing their studies at FEB Unud. In particular, the Dean also gave his greatest appreciation to the participants who used to be students in the Red Zone, because for their dedication, they managed to complete their study period during difficult times.
Before closing his remarks, the Dean advised all prospective graduates to always remember the values ??of FEB Unud, namely Integrity, Innovation, and Collaboration, in order to make the Graduate Candidates a better direction in the future. The Dean also advised that all prospective graduates should not forget their alma mater, and always learn to always be useful for the homeland and nation.
The Best Graduates of the Faculty were won by Putu Ocha Ratih Pritiwim A.Md. (Diploma 3 Accounting Study Program) with a GPA of 3.41; I Made Aditya Pramartha, S.E., M.Sc., Ak. (PPAk Study Program) with a GPA of 4.00; Dian Savitri Udayana, S.Ak. (Bachelor of Accounting Study Program) with a GPA of 3.68; apt. Luh Rai Maduretno Asvinigita, S.Farm., M.M. (Master of Management Study Program) with a GPA of 4.00; and Dr. Pande Ketut Ribek, S.E., M.M. (Doctoral Studies Program in Management Science) with a GPA of 3.95.
Footage of the live broadcast of the YUBER I 2022 FEB Unud event can be watched again via the Youtube Media FEB Unud channel.