FEB Unud Launched the Application of the SINDIBEKERJA System
After previously holding a Workload Control Information System (SINDIB Kerja) socialization for Academic Information Processing staff at the end of last July, the Dean of FEB Unud again held an intense meeting with USDI to finalize the application of the system on Tuesday (11/08) yesterday afternoon.
The meeting which was attended by the Dean of FEB Unud, Deputy Deans, UPIKS Coordinators, and the Head of the Education & Cooperation Subdivision specifically invited the Secretary for Information Technology Services at USDI, I Made Widiartha, S.Si., M.Kom in order to show the simulation results of the SINDIB work system. Stage I.
The Dean of FEB, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. stated that the Phase I system which was built to ease the burden on Koprodi in managing the teaching workload of these lecturers would soon be released and socialized to Koprodi and Faculty Academic staff. The Dean also asked USDI for help to pay attention to the operation of this system so that problems that still arise can be corrected immediately.
The working SINDI system is a subsidiary of the SIMAK-NG system and will be connected to the Udayana University Inventory Information System (SIISYANA). The SINDI work system has very comprehensive features to manage several important things needed by faculty academic managers regarding the workload of lecturers.