FEB Unud Returns to Deliver Doctorate in Economics (I Wayan Serinah, S. Sos., M.Si)

Denpasar, Tuesday, June 23, 2020 The Doctoral Study Program in Economics held an Open Examination (Doctoral Promotion) of students on behalf of I Wayan Serinah, S. Sos., M.Sc, with the title of Dissertation "Determinant of Disability Children's Education in Bali Province".

This Open Examination (Doctoral Promotion) is the second time using a combination of two methods, namely in the network and outside the network. This open session was chaired by the Dean of FEB Unud, Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, SE., MT., PhD and attended by the Promoter Prof. Dr. I Made Suyana Utama, SE., MS, Kopromotor Prof. Dr. N. Djinar Setiawina, SE., MS and Dr. Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, SE., MP, Disclaimer Prof. Dr. I Ketut Sudibia, SE., SU, Prof. Dr. I.A Nym Saskara, SE., M.Sc, Dr. I G. W. Murjana Yasa, SE., M.Sc, and Dr. Ida Bgs Putu Purbadharmaja, SE., ME. Based on the results of the Judicial Meeting, it was stated that I Wayan Serinah, S. Sos., M.Sc graduated with honors.