Final Reflection of Udayana University 2021, Performance in 2022 is Expected to be Better
Jimbaran - Udayana University held a 2021 End of Year Reflection activity which took place in a hybrid combination of online and offline at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (31/12/2021).
This Reflection event was filled with the launching of several Information Systems by USDI, awarding awards to outstanding students and supervisors, awarding international accreditation certifications and Excellent Study Programs, Unud Journal Ranking (UJAR) awards and management assistance, appreciation of the best and most news for work units, awarding the Head of Student Affairs Bureau who will retire and signing the Building Inscription.
Unud Chancellor Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in this year-end reflection conveyed several things related to performance achievements in 2021. Of the eight Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) there were five KPIs that had been successfully achieved, these performance figures are certainly pride and the result of joint hard work. However, there are still three KPIs that are still a big job. In the Strategic Plan of the Ministry, Unud targets 80 percent of the achievement in budget performance and until now Unud has reached 81 percent. Several other achievements in 2021 include SAKIP being able to achieve the A predicate where previously BB, Institution A accreditation was again maintained and ISK will be submitted for the Superior predicate to support Unud towards PTN BH, and again won the Informative Public Agency title from KIP.
In addition to these achievements, Udayana University is committed to achieving the title of WBK and WBBM Integrity Zones for work units, the title of Healthy Campus from the Ministry of Health and efforts to create a Green Campus and educational ecosystem that is safe, comfortable and integrated. This year Unud has completed nine construction works, namely the continuation of the MIPA Faculty Building on the Denpasar Campus, the Engineering Laboratory Building, rehabilitation of the Library Building, the Sudirman Campus Green Open Space, the renovation of the roof of the Widyasabha Auditorium Building, the CSSD and FASUM rooms at the PTN Hospital, phase II land asset fencing, renovation of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Lecture Building and arrangement of the courtyard, security post and forest of the Rectorate Building. Next year, the target for the construction of Student Dormitory and eight Deans at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus is expected to be completed. The Dean will be equipped with an adequate Koprodi Room and Lecturer Room.
On this occasion, the Chancellor also gave his appreciation and congratulations to all award recipients, from student achievements, supervisors, Unud Journal Ranking, as well as the best and most popular publications. Appreciation is also given to the entire academic community, both lecturers, students and education staff who have contributed and supported and dedicated themselves to working hard together this year in advancing Udayana University, especially to the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau (I Dewa Gede Oka, SE) who will enter retirement period starting January 1, 2022.
Ending the 2021 Udayana University Reflection event, the Chancellor wished a Happy New Year 2022 to the entire academic community of Udayana University. Hopefully in the new year we can perform even better, and be able to achieve more so that the various programs that have been designed for 2022 can be realized and implemented well.