In order to maximize the performance of financial managers and BMN managers, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB UNUD), Thursday, April 28, 2022, at the MM Building Floor III, Rooms 3.1 and 3.2, FEB UNUD held a Financial Coordination Meeting.
The meeting was attended by the Dean, Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, IBSN Program Coordinators, Head of Business Units, Administrative Coordinators, Sub Coordinators, Assistant Expenditure Treasurers, Financial Managers, Financial Administrators, and Managers. BMN.
Having the opportunity to represent the Dean of FEB Unud, the event was opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance (WD II), Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana, S.E., M.Sc., Ak, expressed his gratitude to all the leaders and educational staff who were invited to attend this meeting. He continued, this meeting was held with the agenda, namely, the Socialization of the Dean's SE Number: 5/UN14.2.7/SE/2022 regarding Technical Guidelines for Financial Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business and discussions related to the execution of activities in Quarter 2.
Due to various changes in financial management at Udayana University in 2022, the Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. issued the Dean's SE with the aim that the implementing position in charge and authorized to assist the process of procurement of goods and services and financial management of sub-unit leaders can use the time and energy they have to carry out tasks according to the job description that has been determined in accordance with the allotted time and not allowed to join and/or proposed to join as a committee in any committee activities at FEB Unud.
Continued on the second agenda, the Study Program Coordinators and Unit Coordinators are expected to be able to execute the existing budget in Quarter II to the maximum due to considering the time that is currently at the end of April.