First time - Shoot a truck entering campus

As an effort to prevent and deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian Red Cross Voluntary Corps UKM (KSR-PMI) of Udayana University carried out disinfectant spraying at Jimbaran Campus, Udayana University, Friday (12/06/2020). This time the spraying used a disinfectant spray truck or also called the Indonesian Red Cross gunner truck. This activity involved SME members with the support of the PMI Badung Regency and the Covid-19 Task Force at Udayana University.

Chairman of the KSR-PMI UKM, Ni Komang Vina Rezky Milgadili said spraying using a disinfectant spray truck was carried out at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus, covering the rectorate, unit buildings and Udayana University institutions, dormitories and low-rise apartments, and faculties in Jimbaran. In addition to using a gunner truck, spraying is also carried out with a disinfectant carrying bag.

The student, who is familiarly called Vina, added that so far the KSR-PMI UKM itself had made Covid-19 prevention efforts both through social media and went directly into the field. In the future, they plan to spray disinfectant again at the Sudirman Campus in Denpasar.

"In addition to distributing Covid-19 prevention videos and pamphlets on social media, we also go directly to the field in the active response of Covid-19 conducted by the PMI of Bali Province and Badung Regency PMI. "In the future, we plan to spray disinfectant on the Udayana University Campus in Denpasar as a form of follow-up to this activity," he said.

Enthusiasm for the prevention of Covid-19 received appreciation from Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, SH., M.Hum. as Chair of the 19th Covid Task Force at Udayana University. He said the Task Force Covid-19 Unud itself adopted the approach of participation of all institutional elements so that we expect all elements of the institution. Therefore, he represented the chancellor and the entire Udayana University community and was very grateful to the KSR-PMI UKM for playing a role in the Covid-19 countermeasure activities at Udayana University.

In this regard, he also explained that Udayana University had implemented policies and national Covid-19 countermeasures, including the application of New Normal. However, this implementation still requires the commitment of everyone at Udayana University to avoid exposure to the Covid-19 virus.

"I think, if everyone is always aware and remembers the nature of this virus, it will certainly be able to protect and save themselves from the spread of the virus. And our commitment is to be able to fully prevent Covid-19 exposure at Udayana University, "he explained.