Master of Management Study Program The Master of Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business held a FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION (FGD) event on CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT IN 2022 through Cisco Webex.
The purpose of holding FGDs is to get input from stakeholders for the development and improvement of the MM FEB Unud Study Program Curriculum in order to answer the challenge of producing graduates who have technological literacy skills. In compiling and developing the curriculum, the MM FEB Unud Study Program refers to the KKNI and the National Higher Education Standards.
The FGD activity was opened directly by the Dean of FEB Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. on Friday, April 29, 2022, by presenting 2 resource persons, Prof. Tulus Haryono, SE, M.Ek. from Sebelas Maret University and Prof. Dr. Eduardus Tandelilin, MBA from Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. With Moderator Dr. Dra. I Gusti Ayu Manuati Dewi, M.A.
Master of Management Study Program The Master of Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business held a FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION (FGD) event on CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT IN 2022 through Cisco Webex.
The purpose of holding FGDs is to get input from stakeholders for the development and improvement of the MM FEB Unud Study Program Curriculum in order to answer the challenge of producing graduates who have technological literacy skills. In compiling and developing the curriculum, the MM FEB Unud Study Program refers to the KKNI and the National Higher Education Standards.
The FGD activity was opened directly by the Dean of FEB Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. on Friday, April 29, 2022, by presenting 2 resource persons, Prof. Tulus Haryono, SE, M.Ek. from Sebelas Maret University and Prof. Dr. Eduardus Tandelilin, MBA from Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. With Moderator Dr. Dra. I Gusti Ayu Manuati Dewi, M.A.
The FGD was attended by 45 participants from several user elements consisting of the Dean of FEB, Warmadewa University, Deputy Dean I of Mahasaraswati University, Managing Director of Indosat Singapore Pte Ltd (Indosat Ooredoo Singapore), and the leadership of BNI Pelindo Benoa. The alumni element was represented by Cokorda Gede Putra Yudistira, S.E., M.M (Bali State Polytechnic Lecturer), Pande Nyoman Yuliani, S.E., M.M, (Asst. Vice President of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Regional XI Bali & Nusa Tenggara), Ni Gst Ayu Wirawati, S.Pd, (Germany-based International Company), Dr. Yoga Iswara, BBA., BBM., MM., CHA (CEO of FreshWater Asia), Dr. Ida Ayu Oka Purnama Wati, SS., MM. (Bross Hospital Finance Manager), Dr. Wayan Edi Arsawan., SE., M.M. (Bali State Polytechnic Lecturer), Ade Maria Ulfah Rakhmantika Sari (PLN). The FGD was also attended by 6 people from active student elements, Professors and Lecturers of the MM FEB Unud Study Program. The event closed with the submission of a Certificate of Appreciation which was given directly by the Dean of FEB Unud to the two speakers and moderators.