Following the AI4IMPACT Indonesia event, a FEB Unud student was successfully selected as the Bali Province MSME Ambassador.
One of the 5th semester students of the Bachelor of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud), named Ni Luh Eka Sevia Agustini, or often called Eka Sevia, succeeded in becoming the Bali Province AI4IMPACT Indonesia MSME Ambassador and competed with more than 100 participants. On campus, Eka Sevia is active in participating in organizations. Since her first year in college, she has joined as a functionary of the Economics Student Association of Unud, and in her second year, she has served as Secretary I of the Economics Student Association of FEB Unud. Apart from organizing, he also participated in many events and competitions. One of the events he successfully participated in was AI4IMPACT Indonesia in 2021. AI4IMPACT Indonesia is a prestigious event from a global AI community whose mission is to help people learn to build AI applications in the real world.
One of the 5th semester students of the Bachelor of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud), named Ni Luh Eka Sevia Agustini, or often called Eka Sevia, succeeded in becoming the Bali Province AI4IMPACT Indonesia MSME Ambassador and competed with more than 100 participants. On campus, Eka Sevia is active in participating in organizations. Since her first year in college, she has joined as a functionary of the Economics Student Association of Unud, and in her second year The process Eka Sevia went through to become the Bali Province AI4IMPACT Indonesia MSME Ambassador was certainly very long. She has been participating in this event since December 2021. She revealed that she started by participating in the administrative stage. After she passed the stage one selection, she was then asked to make a brief introduction about herself. In this introduction, she revealed that, as one of the daughters of Bali Province, she must play an active role in the preservation of Balinese culture, one of which is by developing local MSMEs that highlight the culture of Bali, such as barong clothes, traditional clothing, endek cloth, and so on. This became the main focus that he emphasized from the cultural excellence in Bali Province. After following a long process of conducting user interviews, she finally passed the selection as the AI4IMPACT Indonesia Bali Province MSME Ambassador. One of the success factors is that MSMEs in Bali are very friendly and willing to be assisted in promoting their businesses by highlighting local cultural elements. This led to easy cooperation, and she revealed that there were no significant obstacles she faced during the process. Through assertive two-way communication accompanied by a detailed explanation of the goals and objectives he designed, the MSMEs realized the importance of the younger generation being able to help introduce local culture so that it can be known to the world and support national economic growth. Since then, she has served as Secretary I of the Economics Student Association of FEB Unud. Apart from organizing, he also participated in many events and competitions. One of the events he successfully participated in was AI4IMPACT Indonesia in 2021. AI4IMPACT Indonesia is a prestigious event from a global AI community whose mission is to help people learn to build AI applications in the real world.
Based on the results of online interviews that have been conducted, according to Eka Sevia, the output produced from this event is digital literacy, which involves training skills in the use of IT to be able to apply AI and digital skills to build digital products. Next is entrepreneurship, which trains skills to turn real problems into digital business opportunities. Then, the last is social impact, which helps accelerate the digital transformation of Indonesian MSMEs, especially in Bali, with creative and appropriate applications that are tailored to local needs.
He also provided insight to FEB Unud students, especially those who want to take part in events involving local MSMEs like himself. According to him, digital disruption is one of the main obstacles for business people in Indonesia, especially in Bali, to survive and develop in the era of rapid market competition. So that in starting a business, it is very important to use digital technology with the aim of not only increasing sales and marketing turnover but also related to two-way relationships that are very necessary and can be implemented through the existence of customer service through online channels. By creating digital entrepreneurs in the future, one of which is based on the use of AI, it will be able to encourage and accelerate digital transformation for local MSMEs.
She feels happy and proud to be part of the Bali Province MSME Ambassador and to be able to participate in helping to have a social impact, especially for Indonesian MSMEs, especially in Bali, to raise a technologically literate society in the current era by utilizing digital technology to produce digital-based products. In addition, Eka Sevia also expressed her hope at the end of the interview that the government can intensify the use of digital technology, especially for MSMEs managed by the elderly or people who are still unfamiliar with the existence of technology, so that the products they produce can compete both in local, national, and international markets. (vln)