Graduation At the End of 2020, Unud Released 597 Online Graduates
Jimbaran - Udayana University held a 139th Graduation Ceremony, Saturday (5/12/2020). This graduation was held virtually again because there were still additional Covid-19 cases and was only attended by 16 representatives of graduates along with accompanying families, University Leaders, Senate Leaders and Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus.
In this Graduation period, the Chancellor of Udayana University released 597 graduates consisting of 27 Doctorates, 59 Masters, 20 PPDS-1 people, 77 Professions, 396 Bachelors and 18 Diplomas. So that until now the number of Udayana University graduates has reached 100,256 people. This graduation ceremony was dominated by women, amounting to 349 people, while male graduates were 248 people. When viewed from the point of view of academic achievement, female students are also better than male, namely the average GPA for women is 3.66 while the average GPA for men is 3.58. Likewise, for the study period, women are better than men, namely the average study period for women is 8.09 semesters, while men have a longer study period, namely 8.94 semesters.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his report stated that in accordance with Permenristek Dikti Number 59 of 2018 concerning diplomas, certificates of competence, degrees and procedures for writing degrees in tertiary institutions, it mandates that certificates issued and given to graduates of all strata no later than December 29, 2020 must contain a number National diploma and must follow the National Diploma Numbering System (PIN), the certificate given in addition to being accompanied by an academic transcript must also be accompanied by a certificate companion diploma (SKPI). For the graduates who graduated this time, Udayana University is ready to provide SKPI documents while for the National Diploma Number it has been successfully awarded to some graduates and some still have diploma numbers from internal universities. Graduates will be given documents in the form of diplomas, academic transcripts and SKPI which are received directly by the representatives of the graduates who are present while those who take part online are given in stages at a later date.
Meanwhile, Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech conveyed the ongoing wave of industrial revolution 4.0 which seems to have begun to move towards the 5.0 industrial revolution which has an impact on very fast and massive changes that cause transformations in various aspects of life. Responding to this condition, it is necessary to collaborate and cooperate in creating reliable and capable young generations to navigate this “ocean” of change. In the field of higher education, the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture has implemented an independent learning program for an independent campus. The learning process in an independent campus is a manifestation of student centered learning which is essential.
In order to support the implementation of this program, Udayana University has collaborated with several relevant partners to collaborate and synergize with each other to provide provisions for graduates to be ready to face competition in the world of work. Through the established cooperation, it is also hoped that partners will be able to absorb Udayana University graduates.
The graduates are expected to have a strong character and commitment as well as a strong mentality to play a role in improving the welfare of the community, to become a formidable role model to lead this nation to a better direction while still based on existing ethics and norms.