Groundbreaking on a Beautiful Date 02-22-2022, Udayana Student Dormitory Construction is Targeted to be Completed in Six Months
Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) will soon have a Udayana Integrated Student Dormitory located on the Jimbaran Campus. Udayana Integrated Student Dormitory is a student dormitory equipped with various supporting facilities as supporting facilities for the Unud integrated campus area in the Jimbaran area. The Udayana Integrated Student Dormitory is ready to be built on an area of ??4.5 hectares located on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The use of this land is carried out through cooperation in the use of State Property.
The groundbreaking or laying of the first stone was held on a beautiful date, namely Tuesday (22/02/2022) which was attended by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Technology representing the Minister of Education and Technology, Deputy Governor of Bali, Vice Chief of the Bali Police, Vice Head of the High Court, Chairman of the Badung DPRD, Head of South Kuta Sub-district, Jimbaran Village Head, Indigenous Bendesa Jimbaran, Unud leaders, representatives of DPM and BEM Unud as well as representatives from partners, namely PT Waskita Karya Realty and several other invitees.
The Chairperson of the Committee who is also the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in his report said that the construction of the Student Dormitory and its supporting facilities was aimed at providing housing for new students studying at Unud. This development is one of the development programs as part of the Udayana University Master Plan initiated by the Rector of Udayana University. This development is carried out according to the vision and mission that has been planned to build an educational ecosystem at Udayana University towards a world-class university.
Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech said that the groundbreaking was deliberately chosen on a beautiful date which is expected to give meaning and can be remembered continuously. Furthermore, the Rector said that this year Unud is 60 years old and is in the form of a Public Service Agency which will soon go to a Legal Entity PTN. Unud has a lot of land assets and only part of it is used, while the Ministry hopes to optimize asset utilization through cooperation in order to increase university income. So that it will be utilized as much as possible to support the implementation of the Tridharma. Several infrastructure facilities were built last year and this year a student dormitory with a capacity of 6000 beds will be built in collaboration with PT Waskita Karya Realty. Hopefully this can be completed and the keys can be submitted on August 31, 2022, considering that the lecture will start September 1, 2022 so there will be about six months to complete it. Besides that, several Deans will also be built to support undergraduate lectures which will be centered on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus. In the future, a Lecture Building will also be built so that all students can enjoy facilities of the same standard regardless of the faculty so that they can comfortably conduct lectures. To support student activities, a Student Center and Sport Center will also be built. With the completion of the construction of the buildings in question, it is expected to change the appearance of the campus for the better and the buildings that are built will also be friendly to the environment and neatly arranged.
Vice Governor of Bali Prof. Dr. Ir. Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati, M.Si gave the highest appreciation to the Rector of Unud and his staff for a big step in realizing a very noble desire, namely empowering assets owned which of course will provide added value for Unud to develop institutions and provide comfort for the community. students and parents who entrust their children to study at the Unud Campus which is the pride of the Balinese people. The Vice Governor hopes that the building to be built can reflect Balinese architecture. Campuses as alumni printers are very much determined by the conditions on the campus itself, including the buildings, so this is a good step. Hopefully what has been programmed by the Rector of Unud can be in accordance with what has been planned.
Inspector General Kemendikbudristek Dr. Chatarina Muliana Girsang, SH., SE., MH in her speech said that education is the upstream of how to build this nation and in providing educational services, it is inseparable from how we complete adequate infrastructure. As a PTN, BLU can build an organizational culture that is results-oriented, its business units can improve education services, be more autonomous and flexible. This form of collaboration with PT Waskita Karya Realty has become proof because this development uses a zero rupiah APBN and this is an extraordinary thought and innovation from the Rector, how to collaborate with BUMN/BUMD in improving education services. We all have to work hand in hand to implement education and really appreciate and support this development. The Inspector General expects support from the entire academic community in the construction of this dormitory and will collaborate with the Attorney General's Office to participate in supervising its implementation. This is a form of commitment and responsibility in advancing our education for all of our generations. The Inspector General also asked that the existence of this dormitory can be managed properly and provide broad benefits for the entire academic community and the surrounding community.