Handover of the Position of Journal Manager and Coordinator of the Capital Market Laboratory for the 2022-2024 Period
Thursday, April 21, 2022 at the MM Building Floor III, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held the Handover of the Position of Journal Manager and Coordinator of the Capital Market Laboratory for the 2022-2024 Period. All of the inaugurated Journal Managers for the 2022-2024 Period, including I Gst Ayu Eka Damayanthi, SE., M.Sc., CRA., CRP. (Chairman of the Bulletin of Economic Studies & E-Journal of Economics and Business for the Period 2022-2024) I Wayan Santika, S.T., M.M. (Secretary of the Bulletin of Economic Studies & E-Journal of Economics and Business for the Period 2022-2024), Ni Luh Karmini, S.E., M.Sc. (Chairman of the E-Journal of Development Economics & Journal of Applied Quantitative Economics for the Economics Undergraduate Study Program for the 2022-2024 Period), Dr. Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih, S.IP., M.Sc. (Secretary of the E-Jurnal of Development Economics & Journal of Applied Quantitative Economics for the Economics Undergraduate Study Program for the 2022-2024 Period), Anak Agung Bagus Putu Widanta, S.E., M.Sc. (Member of the E-Jurnal of Development Economics & Journal of Applied Quantitative Economics, Undergraduate Economics Study Program for the 2022-2024 Period), Dr. Ni Made Asti Aksari, S.E., M.Bus. (Chairman of E-Jurnal Management & Journal of Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship Management Undergraduate Management Study Program for the Period 2022-2024), Ni Nyoman Ayu Diantini, S.E., M.M., Ph.D. (Secretary of E-Jurnal of Management & Journal of Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship Management Undergraduate Management Study Program for the Period 2022-2024), I Gede Nandya Oktora P., S.E., M.B.A., CRA., CRP. (Member of E-Jurnal of Management & Journal of Business Strategy Management and Entrepreneurship for the Undergraduate Management Study Program for the Period 2022-2024), Dr. Dodik Ariyanto, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA (Chairman of the Accounting E-Jurnal of the Accounting Degree Study Program & Accounting and Business Scientific Journal of Accounting Undergraduate Study Program for the 2022-2024 Period), Luh Gede Krisna Dewi, S.E., M. Si., Ak. (Secretary of the Accounting E-Jurnal for the Accounting Degree Study Program & the Accounting and Business Scientific Journal of the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program for the 2022-2024 Period), P. D'Yan Yaniartha Sukartha, S.E., Ak., M.Acc., Ph.D., CA ., CPA., GMA. (Member of the Accounting E-Jurnal of the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program & the Accounting and Business Scientific Journal of the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program for the 2022-2024 Period), Putu Agus Ardiana, S.E., M.M., M.Com., M.Acc.Fin., Ph.D. , Ak. (Coordinator of the Capital Market Laboratory for the Period 2022-2024).
On this occasion, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. as the Dean of FEB Unud expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the dedication of the Journal Managers and the Coordinator of the Capital Market Laboratory for the 2020-2022 Period in carrying out their duties. The Dean also emphasized to Journal Managers and Capital Market Laboratory Coordinators for the 2022-2026 Period to be prepared to continue and exceed the previous Manager's achievements.