Creative leaders are seen as being able to motivate employees to be more confident so that they perform better. This study aims to analyze the effect of creative leadership and job satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and employee performance with transparency moderation. The following is an excerpt from the opening presented by I Kadek Sara Mandiyasa, S.E., M.M

Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E. is the Chair of the session on this occasion with the Promoter Prof. Dr. I Gede Riana, SE, MM, Co-promoter 1, namely Mrs. Dr. Dra. I Gst. A. Manuati Dewi, MA and Co-promoter 2, namely Dr. Ida Bagus Ketut Surya, SE., MM and the supporters, namely Prof. Dr. I Wayan Gede Supartha, SE, SU., Prof. Dr. Desak Kt. Sintaasih, SE., Msi., Dr. Made Surya Putra, SE, M.Si., and Dr. I Made Artha Wibawa, SE., MM.,

The study was conducted at PT POS Indonesia in the Bali area, using a sample of 216 employees who were taken randomly from all branches in Bali. This study uses quantitative and qualitative data, from primary and secondary sources. Data were collected by using a questionnaire using a questionnaire to all target samples. Before being distributed, the questionnaire instrument was tested using validity and reliability tests. After being declared valid and reliable, the questionnaire was distributed to all respondents. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis using PLS with PLS3.0 smart software.

Coinciding on Friday, September 16, 2022 promovendus was given the right to use the title of Doctor with all the rights and obligations and honors attached to the title. The chairman of the session gave an opportunity to the Promoter, namely Prof. Dr. I Gede Riana, S.E., M.M. who played a major role in the success of I Kadek Sara Mandiyasa, S.E., M.M to reach the highest level of education, to deliver a Doctoral Graduation certificate in front of the stage and followed by a brief speech about the meaning of the dissertation.