Implementation of the Head of RI Representatives' Debriefing Forum, BPPK-Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation with Udayana University
The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Agency for Policy Assessment and Development (BPPK) in collaboration with Uayana University, in this case FISIP, is holding a Debriefing Forum for the Head of the Indonesian Representative Office 2020, which takes place online, Wednesday (18/11/2020) The Debriefing Forum is a vehicle for public accountability for Ambassadors who have carried out their assignments abroad. In addition, the Forum is also intended as a medium for stakeholders, especially observers of foreign policy, local government and the academic community to have direct discussions with actors / practitioners of Indonesian foreign policy.
Present as a resource person in this forum (1) I Gede Ngurah Swajaya Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Singapore for the 2016-2020 period who is currently serving as the Director-General of America and Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, (2) Andy Rachmianto Ambassador of LBBP RI for the Kingdom Jordan (3) Has Scientific concurrently the State of Palestine for the 2017-2020 Period is currently serving as Director-General of Protocol and Consular Affairs / Head of State Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia with discussants Sukma Sushanti, SS, M.Si, Lecturer in the International Relations Study Program, FISIP Unud and guided by Moderator Dyah Lestari Asmarani Head of the Center for the Study and Policy Development for the Asia Pacific and African Region, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The forum was opened by the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Policy Research and Development Agency Dr. Siswo Pramono, LL.M. In his remarks, the Head of BPPK said that this activity was one form of implementing the MoU between BPPK and Udayana University. Besides that, cooperation had also been carried out related to studies and public lectures. This forum was originally a forum for public accountability of the Heads of Representatives who have completed their duties due to their status as personal representatives of the President and also representatives of the Indonesian Government in carrying out assignments abroad and to get input from the academic community. Even though in the Covid pandemic with technological means, activities can still be carried out with a zoom and streaming platform on YouTube. This reaches all parts of the country very well so that people can better understand foreign policy. The Head of BPPK also appreciated the cooperation from Udayana University and hoped that this activity could be useful for all of us and provide innovative input.
Meanwhile, the Vice-Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. IB Wyasa Putra in his speech representing the Rector of Udayana University said that the Debriefing Forum is a very important and strategic forum in the context of preparing for the assignment of diplomative duties and functions, considering that diplomatic duties and functions are part of the system and process of friendship between nations that is sustainable. Several years ago, through this cooperation, a very strategic forum was held for the existence of our nation, namely the Indonesianist Forum, which at that time was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, making the forum more meaningful to the participants who attended. The Vice Chancellor hopes that the same success will be realized in the holding of this forum so that all the objectives of organizing this forum can be realized properly. Through this opportunity, the Vice-Chancellor also expressed his appreciation to the Head of BPPK for always providing opportunities for Udayana University to participate in various activities organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.