Improve the Quality of Faculty Information Publications, Dean Holds Coordination Meeting

In order to improve the quality of publication and distribution of news and information within FEB Unud, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information (WD III), I Gde Kajeng Baskara, S.E., M.M., Ak., invited all Information Managers at FEB Unud, to the Information Publication Coordination Meeting , which was held last Tuesday (22/02).

In his speech, WD III FEB Unud directed all managers to always cooperate in carrying out the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). WD III continued, this SOP is here to accommodate managers in compiling news and how to publish it on channels owned by FEB Unud. WD III also stated that all information must be archived properly and effectively, in order to make it easier for managers later.

In the meeting which was held at the MM Building, 3rd Floor, Denpoasar Campus, the Coordinator of the Information Management & Cooperation Unit (UPIKS) and its members, the Sub-Coordinator of Planning & Information Systems (PSI), and the entire Academic Administration Staff (PA) of the Study Program were also present. (Prodi) in FEB Unud.

The UPIKS Coordinator, I Nyoman Nurcaya, S.E., M.M., really welcomed this meeting. This meeting is considered to be very helpful for managers in coordinating to ensure the direction of managers in disseminating FEB Unud news to the general public. The UPIKS Coordinator continued, his party will always coordinate with related departments, so that the publication and distribution of FEB Unud news is able to meet the Dean's expectations.