Improving Applied Research, LPPM Unud Signs Memorandum of Understanding with BARI, Bali Province

Located at the BARI Office (Regional Innovation Research Agency) Bali Province, Jalan Melati No. 23 Dangin Puri Kangin Denpasar, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Study/Research Activities between LPPM Unud and BARI Bali Provincial Government was held. On this occasion, LPPM Unud was represented by the Secretary of LPPM, Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., MSc., PhD., IPM, and also the Head of the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M) Bali State Polytechnic, and the Head of the Study Center of the Denpasar National Education University, Monday (17/1/2022) ).

LPPM Unud in its capacity as a supporting work unit at Unud which accommodates, facilitates and coordinates research and service activities at Unud both in terms of cooperation and independently, in increasing the synergy of the competence of the Unud academic community with the community. LPPM Unud is always committed to being in line with the policy direction of the Governor of Bali by establishing close cooperation with local government components involved in the implementation and downstreaming of research results, one of which enthusiastically welcomes collaboration with BARI Prov. Bali. So that the research carried out has a broad impact in providing the right science and technology solutions for the community to support the welfare of the Balinese people in particular.

Head of Regional Research and Innovation Agency, Ir. I Made Gunaja, MSi., stated that in line with the BRIN program to utilize university researcher resources in research and studies required by the government, for that reason he invited three representatives of universities in Bali, namely Unud, Undiknas University and PNB, to contribute more broadly. in the Bali Province BARI work program. Doing more applied research in accordance with the policy focus of the Governor of Bali, such as dealing with waste problems, developing organic agriculture, utilizing renewable energy and creative industries. This means that the implementation of community studies is no longer only on a laboratory scale, he explained.