International Webinar with the theme “The Power Of Creativity And Innovation For Digital Transformation” online and offline
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University has conducted an International Webinar with the theme "The Power Of Creativity And Innovation For Digital Transformation" online and offline. This event was opened directly by the Dean of FEB Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E.. M.T., Ph.D. He opened the event by giving a little message “digital transformation is defined as a new technology in digital transformation business operations. Now not only multinational business companies (MBES) can be identified to experience this transformation process, but also small and medium-sized companies in using the latest digital transformation. For example, multi-social print media automation tools dynamically change the way they work to collaborate with each other and approach the market, which is an important issue in Industry 4.0.”
The purpose of holding the International Webinar as a series of 55th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and also this Webinar provides an overview of increasing creativity in the digital era 4.0 where technology is very fast and rapidly developing.
There are 3 speakers from this International Webinar, namely Dr. Paul Harrigan, Professor of Marketing at the University of Western Australia as the keynote speaker. Then Mr. Riri Satria as Founder and CEO of Value Alignment Advisory (VA2) who presented material about "Learning from Technology-Based Companies in Indonesia" and speaker from Bali, I Gede Putu Rahman Desyanta as Coordinator of the Indonesia Young Entrepreneurs Association who brought material on "Era of Creativity Without limit".
Participants in this International Webinar were attended by more than 2,000 participants from the Faculty of Economics and Business from various universities in Indonesia.