Joint Yudisium VI in 2022
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, on Wednesday (30/11) held an offline Joint Judiciary VI 2022 (YUBER VI) in the Hall of the BH Building Floor IV, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and broadcast live via the FEB UNUD Media Youtube channel. "With this YUBER VI event, it is hoped that all YUBER VI participants will remain enthusiastic in facing the challenges that await after completing their education at FEB UNUD.
The learning process that has been taken at FEB equips all graduates with exemplary knowledge, skills and attitudes and will be able to compete in the world of work. In the future, it is also hoped that the academic degrees that have been obtained will be of benefit to oneself, family, wider community, nation and state," hoped the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., in his remarks. At the end he also advised prospective graduates from Niti Sastra marriage "Only noble knowledge can save from darkness, there has never been a true partner or friend who surpasses knowledge".
Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs, Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E. In his report, he said that the joint yudisium participants this time totaled 47 people who were determined through the Chancellor's Decree Number 3242/UN14.2.7/HK/2022 dated 18 November 2022 concerning Participants for the VI Joint Yudisium of the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2022.
In 2022, participants of the Joint Judiciary VI will consist of 1 participant from the Master of Economics Study Program, 2 participants from the Master of Accounting Study Program, 11 participants from the Master of Management Study Program, 10 participants from the Bachelor of Economics Study Program, 11 participants from the Bachelor of Management Study Program, and 12 participants from the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program. In implementing YUBER VI in 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business is giving awards to the 3 (three) best students at the undergraduate education level, the 3 (three) best students from the Masters Study Program, and the 2 (two) best students at the Faculty level.
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Dr. I Gde Kajeng Baskara, S.E., Ak., M.M., also delivered socialization related to Tracer Study of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University which aims to find out the condition of alumni after graduation and can improve the quality of faculties/study programs. He also said that the target for Tracer Study was students in the first year after graduation and the second year after graduation.
The event was continued with a procession of tying and handing over of grade transcripts to all YUBER VI participants. One of the best student representatives, namely the best graduate students at YUBER VI 2022, Pande Ketut Adi Yoga Prasetyo, S.M., in conveying his Impressions and Messages as Representatives of YUBER VI Participants expressed his gratitude to all Teaching Lecturers and Administrative Staff who have provided their best service , so that the lecture process can be passed with a sense of pleasure and joy.