LMFEB Workshop 2021
The 2021 LMFEB workshop is one of the work programs of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. This year's LMFEB workshop carries the theme "Build your skills to be the best version of yourself". This workshop provides an overview and training on the accountability report for institutional funds and accountability for activities. In addition, this workshop will also train the ability of functionaries from the Udayana University Faculty of Economics and Business Student Institute in charge of protocol so that later each activity can be practiced in accordance with established standards.
The workshop was held for two days, from March 6-7, 2021 which took place in the Hall of the Doctoral Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. The 2021 LMFEB Protocol Worksop was held on March 6, 2021. The workshop presented two speakers, namely I Ketut Mangku Budiasa, S.Pt., M.Si. and Made Dwi Setyadhi Mustika, S.E., M.Si. who served as the Protocol Staff of Udayana University. On the first day, a protocol workshop was held for representatives of functionaries of each of the Udayana University Faculty of Economics and Business Student Institutions who were in charge of or served as protocols in activities at the institution. The material presented by the speaker was about proper and correct protocol rules in accordance with applicable laws or regulations. The material presented is very useful and can be applied in everyday life, such as in holding an event, instructions from the leadership must be obeyed, but it does not rule out the possibility that as a protocol the right to explain legally so that there is no fraud
Furthermore, on March 7, 2021, it was followed by a Workshop on Finance and Secretary of LMFEB. The Finance Workshop was held in the Hall of the Doctoral Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University by presenting speakers, namely Ida Ayu Eka Pramita, S.E. and Ni Ketut Sandri, S.E., M.Si and also Finance from the Student Representative Council and the Student Executive Board. The Finance Workshop presents material on planning and finance, especially the disbursement of funds. While the Secretary Workshop was held in the BJ Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University with the speaker, namely the Secretary of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. At the Workshop the Secretary provided training on the rules for writing letters, letter numbers, the flow of asking for signatures on letters and other rules regarding later activity accountability reports that were in accordance with LMFEB 2021 standards.