LP3M Udayana University prepares the AUN-QA Field Assessment
In the framework of implementing the AUN-QA Field Assessment, LP3M Unud held a 'Readiness Test "through the Zoom Meeting, Thursday (29/04/2021), at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus.
The event was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Chair and Secretary of LP3M, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dean of FEB, Dean of FIB and Dean of FKH, Chair of LPPM, Representatives of Udayana Hospital, USDI Representatives, UPT Libraries, KUI Coordinators, Language UPT, Integrated Lab, Team AL. AUN-QA, Koorprodi and Team Leader of the Task Force and CDC. The main thing that is done in this stage is the completeness of learning facilities at the university level and the Study Program level which is displayed live streaming accompanied by a narrative by the commentator.
Head of LP3M Unud Prof. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti said that this activity was a series of field assessment events to be held on May 31 - June 4, 2021. There were several stages that were passed in this Field Assessment process.
The Readiness Test was attended by the Head of the Assessors to ensure the stability of the internet and to see the facilities owned by each Study Program, as well as other facilities, as well as to ensure that the Zoom Meeting link is stable so that there are no problems during the assessment. This Field Assessment will be attended by 8 assessors, with two assessors for each study program.
The study programs that will carry out the AUN-QA Field Assessment consist of (1) English Literature, (2l Economic Development, (3) Mechanical Engineering and (4) Veterinary Medicine. After the Readiness Test, an evaluation meeting is held which is also attended by the Vice-Chancellor for General Affairs. and Finance.