The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Udayana University held a National Seminar on Science and Technology (Senastek), Wednesday-Thursday (11-13 November 2020). The activity with the theme "Adaptation of New Habits through Science, Technology and Humanities Innovation" was carried out online through the Cisco Webex Meeting and Youtube Udayana TV.

Chairman of the Executive Committee Dr. Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro in his report said, Senastek is an annual agenda of LPPM Unud as a media for disseminating research and service results carried out in 2020. This year was attended by 602 researchers and 84 servants who participated in virtual oral presentations, most of whom were winners of PNBP grants and DRPM Dikti. The seminar was divided into seven topics, namely (1) social and humanities; (2) food security; (3) health and medicine; (4) renewable energy and material technology; (5) communication and information technology; (6) infrastructure and settlements, and (7) natural resources and the environment.

The Chairperson of the Udayana University LPPM, Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said, this National Seminar is a vehicle for us to interact, communicate between researchers and servants from universities, educational institutions, research institutions and industry to accelerate the development of science and technology. Approximately 693 papers will be presented on these two Senastek days. This number decreased from the previous year due to the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in delays in some research and dedication, besides that some resigned because it was not possible to complete their work in this pandemic situation. "Through this Senastek, we hope that it will become an opportunity for researchers to improve communication, cooperation and networking with researchers throughout Indonesia," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. A A. Raka Sudewi hopes that in addition to disseminating the results of her research and dedication, through this activity researchers and service providers can interact with each other and later collaborate to produce research innovations that contribute significantly to community development, especially in facing and solving various problems in various sectors so that they can recover soon and rise from adversity due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chancellor also gave his appreciation to the Keynote Speakers who were willing to share knowledge and information which is expected to inspire researchers and service providers to continue to increase their productivity in producing innovations even though they are facing various challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first day of Senastek was filled with two plenary sessions. The first plenary session presented Prof. Heri Hermansyah (Plt. Director of Research and Community Service, Kemenristek-BRIN), Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of Udayana University), and Juhaeri Muchtar, PhD (Adjunt Professor Gillings School and Public Health, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill). Meanwhile, the second plenary session presented two speakers, namely Dr. I Kadek Dian Sutrisna Artha (Chief Economist of PT. SMI) and Novi Kurnia, Ph.D (Head of Master of Communication Science UGM). On the implementation of the second and third day activities were filled with dissemination of research results and dedication from the researchers.