The Masters Study in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University carried out the Study Program Socialization Activities at the Office of the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) of Badung Regency, with the agenda of introducing the Master of Economics Study Program to all Regional Apparatus in the work environment of the Regional Government of Badung Regency. 

The socialization team consisted of the Coordinator of the Master of Economics Study Program, Dr. Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti, SE., M.Si., and Prof. Dr. Drs. Made Kembar Sri Budhi, M.P., Prof. Dr. Dra. Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara, M.Si., and Dr. I Made Endra Kartika Yudha, S.E., M.Sc. and Dr. Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih, S.IP., M.Si. This activity was attended by 38 representatives of the Regional Apparatus in the work environment of the Regional Government of Badung Regency.

The socialization event was opened by the Head of the Badung Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), Dr. Drs. I Gede Wijaya, MM who also acted as moderator in the event. In his speech Dr. Drs. I Gede Wijaya, MM said that this activity aims to introduce the Master of Economics Study Program to all regional officials in the work environment of the Badung Regency Government. In addition, it is also emphasized the importance of higher education levels for all employees to improve competence in each field. Furthermore, the presentation of material on the Profile, Vision and Mission, Curriculum and the learning process of the Master of Economics Study Program by Dr. Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti, S.E., M.Si. This material is expected to provide accurate information, especially the learning process so that it can attract employees in the work environment of the Badung Regency Government to continue their post-graduate education at the Master of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.

The event continued with a discussion session and closed with a photo session. This socialization activity is expected to be the first step of sustainable cooperation in the field of education, especially between the Master of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and the Regional Government of Badung Regency.