Master of Management Study Program FEB Unud Conducts Socialization Activities on Final Project Implementation and Timely Study Period
The Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Conducted Socialization Activities for the Implementation of the Final Project and Timely Study Period which was held on Thursday, March 10, 2022 and Friday, March 11, 2022. This socialization activity was held offline by inviting students of MM FEB Unud batch 46.
The socialization of the implementation of the final project and the study period on time was opened directly by the Coordinator of the Master of Management Study Program FEB Unud, Dr. Ica Rika Candraningrat, S.E., M.M., who in her speech said that this activity is not only used as an introduction to the Coordinator of the MM Study Program and the education staff in the Master of Management Study Program, it also aims to remind students from the start so that they can complete lectures according to the study period on time.
The socialization event for the implementation of the final project and the study period on time was filled with material presentation regarding the provisions for the study period limit, the delivery of the flow of the final project exam stages, information related to references to support the learning process and the final project.
The activity which was attended by students of the MM FEB Unud Study Program Class A and B, besides being a meeting place between study programs, was also a place for discussion in conveying the obstacles that had been obstacles related to lectures and preparation of the final project. Students who were present greatly appreciated this activity because they could meet and discuss directly with the manager and the education staff on duty, and also received very useful information that would facilitate the process of preparing the final project later, so that they could complete their studies within the stipulated time limit.