Maximize the Assessment Rubric, FEB Holds a Socialization on the Use of STORY
In order to maximize the assessment rubric, the Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University (FEB Unud) held a socialization on the use of the Student Scoring Rubric (STORI) on Thursday (03/02). The activity, which was originally intended to be carried out in person, was finally carried out online considering the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Denpasar City had not subsided. However, this activity really attracted the interest of FEB Unud lecturers to be involved in it.
Had the opportunity to represent the Dean of FEB Unud, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning (WD I), Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E., expressed his gratitude to all Lecturers who took part in this outreach. He continued, STORI is here to equalize the perception of lecturers in carrying out the teaching and learning process, especially regarding the provision of assessments to students who are still in need of evaluation. STORI, according to him, was born from the need for the implementation of the assessment process, giving assignments for various types of exams that need to be accommodated in the lecture process and the assessment carried out.
The socialization was filled by the developer of the STORI system who is also an Accounting Lecturer, Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Kresnandra, S.E., M.S.A., Ak., CA.,. Agung Kresnandra explained in detail how the flow and procedures for using the system were. Almost all lecturers accept this system because it makes the assessment process much easier in the future. However, according to Agung Kresnandra, many evaluations and suggestions are still needed on the quality of this system, so that STORI can be perfect in the future.
Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana, S.E., M.Sc., who had the opportunity to close the event, hoped that this semester all Lecturers had used this application. This application may have shortcomings, but there will always be evaluation and improvement so that this application can be perfect following FEB standards in the future.