MBKM Team and PD Dikti Invite the Ball to the Cooperation Unit Share perceptions related to MBKM and PD Dikti Reporting
To support the successful implementation of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program, socialization was carried out to faculties within the Udayana University which aims to further strengthen understanding related to the technical implementation of the MBKM program.
The first stage of socialization was carried out at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Business at their respective faculties which took place offline which was attended by Vice Deans I and III, Study Program Coordinators, TU Coordinators and SIMAK Operators, Lecturers and data processing employees, Friday ( 21/1/2022).
Present as a resource person in the socialization was the UNUD MBKM Coordinator. The implementation of this activity was also facilitated by the Academic Section, BAKH and the USDI Team. The material presented was related to MBKM and PD Dikti reporting.