OJK Promotes Graduate Talent Search Program at Udayana University, targeting four faculties

Deputy Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. IB Wyasa Putra together with the Dean of the Faculty of Law, the Dean of FEB, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Agriculture received an audience from the Head of the Regional 8 Financial Services Authority (OJK) Bali and Nusa Tenggara and the ranks at the Language Room of the Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (17/11) / 2020).

The Head of OJK Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara Giri Tribroto said that the purpose of this audience was to represent OJK to seek out the talents of Udayana graduates to be recruited by OJK. This activity is not for the first time, it has previously been implemented and there are three Udayana University graduates who have become OJK staff out of 10 people who participated in the previous year's selection. This audience is in order to re-socialize this program where there are four faculties that are targeted, namely the Law Faculty, FEB, FMIPA for the Informatics Engineering Study Program and the Agriculture Faculty for the Agribusiness Study Program. In this program, universities can submit 15 candidates who have been selected and get recommendations from the University to be submitted to the next process. The head of OJK hopes that this can be announced as widely as possible to students and there are students recommended. Through this opportunity, detailed announcement information was also given to Udayana University so that it could be socialized.

While the Vice Chancellor Prof. IB Wyasa Putra gave his appreciation to the OJK for the offer submitted and will immediately follow up with the faculty leaders who were present. Through this opportunity the Vice Chancellor also conveyed the proposed addendum plan for the existing PKS, where in accordance with the independent learning program and independent campuses, it is hoped that cooperation partners will be able to absorb graduates. The official letter will be submitted soon and it is hoped that the Head of OJK Regional 8 will be able to facilitate it.