Open Exam Evaluation Activities Doctoral Study Program in Economics Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University
The Doctoral Study Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (PSDIE FEB Unud) conducted an Open Examination Evaluation Activity on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at the BI Building, 3rd floor, with the topic of Evaluation of the Implementation of the Open Examination which was carried out online and offline.
This meeting was opened by the Coordinator of PSDIE FEB Unud, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, S.E., M.P. In his remarks, Koprodi delivered an explanation related to the process of conducting lectures (PPD, Qualifications, Colloquium, Research Proposals, Commission Sessions, and Dissertation Examinations) and open examinations or Doctoral Promotions which had been taking place both online and offline.
The activity, which was attended by PSDIE students, also became a place for discussion and suggestions regarding the development of study programs, especially the implementation of the open exam at PSDIE, which also became a promotional event for the Study Program.