Preparing the Direction of Development of Udayana University in 2021, Udayana University Holds a Musrenbang
Udayana University held a Musrenbang in the framework of the preparation of the Udayana University Work Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, Tuesday (03/03/2020) which was held at the Auditorium Building Widya Sabha, Jimbaran Campus.
The Musrenbang was opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi and attended by Deputy Chancellors, Senate Secretary, SPI Representative, Chairperson of the Institute, Head of Bureau, Faculty Leaders, Study Program Coordinator and work unit leaders at Udayana University.
Head of BPKU I Wayan Antara, SE., MM as Chair of the Committee in his report on the purpose of the Musrenbang is to determine the direction of the development of Udayana University in 2021, and to harmonize work programs / educational institutions in accordance with the Unud Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and purchase of the results of the Chancellor with the Minister of Finance / Minister of Education and Culture and as a form of accountability and approval for the use of state funds. The budgeting method is that in 2020, the budget is based on activities, but for 2021, the method of budgeting is based on activities. The Head of BPKU also explained the budgeting planning passed by the work unit where the activity planning involved the Unud Strategic Plan 2020-2024, as well as the Rector's performance contract with the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Education and Culture.
Rector of Udayana University, Prof. AA Raka Sudewi in his direction, handed over the four pillars of the Tridharma College and Student Services leadership below, cooperating with Vice Rector I and Vice Rector III, Resources under WR Substitution, Institutional Governance under the co-ordination of Vice Rector II. To support this, Rector and Senate regulations have been made as guidelines for the management of Udayana University.
On the occasion the Chancellor also discussed strategic issues related to Advanced Indonesian Advanced HR, Industrial Revolution 4.0 demanded that Unud prepare and equip HR with appropriate competencies, Unud as an Educational Agent, Research and Development Agent, Knowledge and Technology Transfer Agent, and as an Development Agent The economy. The issue of globalization is also needed by Unud to be able to produce masters of science and technology and be able to communicate globally, so that it can compete at the international level.
In his direction, the Chancellor of Udayana University also explained that related to the independence of independent campus learning, Mapping Strategic Plan, Unud's position as Satker BLU under the Ministry of Education and Culture, Kemenristek-BRIN and Ministry of Finance, achievements of Unud 2019 performance and payment of Rector assistance with the Ministry of Finance in 2020.
In the Musrenbang each Vice Chancellor explained the work program and direction in accordance with their respective fields. Vice Chancellor I Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara explained the work program related to the Tridharma Field, Deputy Rector II Prof. IGB Wiksuana explained the work program related to the Field of General and Finance, Deputy Rector III Prof. I Made Sudarma explained the work program related to Student Affairs and Vice Chancellor IV IB Wyasa Putra explained the work program related to Planning, Cooperation and Information. Participants who attended also had the opportunity to have a panel discussion with the Vice Chancellors regarding the work program that was delivered.