Students of the Management Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, on behalf of Made Satria Pramanda Putra, A.Md., S.H., S.E., M.M., held a doctoral promotion session and officially held a doctoral degree on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.
The Doctoral Promotion Session was chaired by the Chairman of the Session, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Anom Purbawangsa, S.E., M.M., as the Coordinator of the Management Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.
The title of the dissertation raised by Promovendus Made Satria Pramanda Putra, A.Md., S.H., S.E., M.M., which was able to bring the promovendus to the doctoral degree, was "Exploration of Antecedents and Implementation of Transformational Leadership in Organizations in Bali Province". This research aims to describe and explain the informant's reflection and has revealed two main antecedents of transformational leadership, namely internal and external antecedents. Furthermore, this study reveals four dimensions of transformational leadership: (1) inspirational motivation; (2) idealized influence; (3) iterative vision; and (4) developing people. For comparison, there are differences in the antecedent situation, with the government regulation dimension being a differentiator in government organizations. Still, in government organizations, the antecedent situation, namely organizational competitors, does not appear as a trigger for transformational leadership.
Furthermore, the Promovendus explained the results of the research, which showed that it has implications for developing a transformational leadership model for the three organizational contexts in Bali Province. Leaders in the three contexts can use the results of this study as a guide to improve their leadership. Understanding the antecedents that influence transformational leadership will optimize their leadership practices to achieve organizational goals more effectively. Furthermore, the results of this study can help guide the development of more appropriate and relevant leadership training and development programs for each sector.
This doctoral promotion session was held offline or online at the BH Building, 3rd Floor, Room 3.4, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, where the promoter of the promotion was Prof. Dr. I Gede Riana, S.E., M.M., and for co-promoter I, Prof. Dr. Wayan Gede Supartha, S.E., S.U., and co-promoter II, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. This doctoral promotion was also attended by four academic guests from the Head of the Bali State Polytechnic Tourism Department, Prof. Ni Md. Ernawati, MATM, PhD, Dean of Ngurah Rai, namely Dr. Putu Gede Denny Herlambang, S.T., M.M., S3 Alumni of the Management Doctoral Study Program, namely Dr. I Ngh Aristana, S.E., M.E., Chair of the Academic Forum of the Pokiteknik Tourism Department, namely Dr.I Gede Mudana, M.Si. Promovendus, successfully passed the Doctoral Promotion Session by achieving the title with honors (Cumlaude).